Relationships and Venus


Mars+Venus: Passionate Physical Affairs (male+female energy), express emotions boldly & apparently.

Sun+Venus : Ego battles, Partner is like a trophy for show off, Father of your partner interfare a lot in her life, Spouse is arrogant and dominating.

Moon+VenusEmotional Affairs (Artistic nature) (soft female+female energy): couple likes to share poetry, love emojis etc. Wish to be pampered by partners & except soft tiny gifts/flowers

Rahu+Venus- Multiple Partners physical Affairs at one time but chances of being caught/defamation (wicked/wild male+female energy): Wild & adventures exchange of emotions by couple. Not shy with public display of their affection.

Mercury+Venus- Likes to talk with females or male much (practical female+female energy)

Saturn+Venus: Affairs under restrictions by family & Society (secret lovers), affairs normally cold & failed. May attract older partners too.

Jupiter+Venus: Spiritual or Astrological or Religious connected couple, may not into physical but likes each other, helps each other in growing life. Though like each other but Fundamental differences remain.

Ketu+Venus: One sided affairs, may lead to depression sometimes. Never dare to express, wish that other person understand himself. Failed affairs.


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