Atmakaraka Planet


SUN : The Native needs to develop Humilty,Let go his Ego & Pride and respect his father and Elderly. Like a Full Vessel!

MOON : Listen to the Mom, Practice unqualified love and Compassion towards everyone, care for the suffering and underprivileged, Women welfare (both n Family and Society) - only TRUE Love no Possessive torturing one!

MARS : Ahimsa is the Mantra! No dissipation of Energy in Anger, Rajasic in Moderation! Should practice Meditation and in Anger Management! After all Passion is an anathema of Aggression! Practice FUN!

MERCURY : SATYAM in Speech and Action! No deception or Cunningness and blabbering! Serve the Young Girls, boys and siblings! Disseminate the gains of your intelligence truthfully! Keep away from indulgence in casual relationships and addictions!

JUPITER : Be kind to your Children, Listen to your GURU and respect all elders and Scholarly people! Share your Wisdom as a duty and Respect alternative points of view! Respect your Spouse and don’t dominate!

VENUS : Dignity in Relationships, Resist temptations and Love everyone unselfishly –Universal! Be kind to your spouse, daughter and all Women folk! No Extra Marital /Illegitimate affairs and other Addictions like Lust, Luxuries for sure

SATURN :The very Challenging one –Come out of your shell, work harder, Discipline and Serve the Suffering,old,deprived and poor. Not only should manage their own pains and problems –but shall volunteer to take up others pains too & overcome their introvert nature! Should handle the Sufferings gamely and learn the right lessons! Should not be the cause for any grief to others


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