Astrology is a science?
Yes, it is other wise it would have been lost some where in middle in its existence of 2000 years. We know Humans have an instinct of keeping those thing which is useful and leaving what's not useful.
If Astrology wasn't useful it would have been thrown out of our Society way back in time, but if it remains their over such a big course of time, we cannot decline the relevance of Subject.
Empires of past like Mongol empire which was one of the most Brutal and Cruel empires in History of world , killed 40 million people which was about 10% of the Worlds population at that point of time.
There cruelty can be addressed from the fact they use to brutalize even the domestic animals and street dogs of the lands they use to invade. There ruthlessness
is world known I am not the first person to talk about it, but the thing to notice here is that these Cruel, invincible and fearless Mongols also believed in astrology.
is world known I am not the first person to talk about it, but the thing to notice here is that these Cruel, invincible and fearless Mongols also believed in astrology.
If the astrology wasn’t relevant and nothing could be derived from it than no astrologer would had the courage to approach these Mongols,they would have easily cutted the throats of the astrologers at that point of time, but that didn't happened. They themselves deeply believed in astrology and conducted research on this subject.
Not Just Mongols but Romans, Anglo-saxons, Ottomans, Mughal, Persian Empire, British Empire, all believed in astrology.
(Ottoman societies astrologers)
You can see these people ruled huge areas of land, they must have had some kind of intelligence. If they believed and allowed Astrology to grow this Subject must have had some relevance.
Now, coming to the modern times, Politicians, Corporates, Movie stars all believes in astrology.
You can clearly see them wearing gems, Starting or releasing Movies and their production after consulting astrologers. Politicans regularly visit astrologers not one but many astrologers. Big corporates inaugurate their industries and products in muhurats.
If astrology wouldn't have been useful how much time do you think will these powerful people of modern time will take to crush Astrology and Astrologers.
But they don't… … …
Now, let's try to Understand this Subject… I am not the person who discovered astrology but i am student of this subject here I am trying establish a possible relation between Modern science and Astrology.
You all must Have listened about **Saturn**, the most famous or should I say the most infamous entity of astrology.
**Saturn** signify: Old people, limbs, misery, anxiety, Slow processes, Profession, longevity, losses, servants, barriers, dejection, patience.
Saturn relates to “Putamen” of our Brain.
Putamen is present in the base of fore brain, its functions are Motor planning, motor movement, execution, it also works in creating the feeling of Hate.
Putamen releases GABA, enkephalin, Substance P, acetylcholine.
GABA: Gamma aminobutyric acid works for producing the feeling of patience/calmness in brain. Imbalance in its production can create Anxiety, fear, stress, panic attacks.
Enkephalin: It is a pentapeptide it affects respiratory controls, Mental/Emotional conditions of a native, serves to regulate the intensity and duration of the stress and pain to the body.
Substance P Its is a neuropeptide that is released from sensory nerve endings, it functions in controlling growth and management of bone related diseases, it also controls a person ability to respond to any action, a person's perception of pain.
Acetylcholine : its a neurotransmitter it affects the functioning of muscles the action directed by brain whether it will carried out by the muscle or not is decided by Acetylcholine.
You can see putamen operates all those functions signified by Saturn.
When Saturn is weak in natives birth chart they are unable to properly execute what they planned for (Acetylcholine) , Native will be of depressive nature and will get mood swings (GABA), bone structure of native will be affected or will be weak or native may limb while walking (Substance P), Native will not take actions will be lazy (enkephalin).
Native with strong Saturn have high pain endurance because their putamen release balance amount of enkephalin, Substance P. They are fear less and well planned because their Putamen functions properly or great way in releasing proper amount of GABA and Acetylcholine.
They say when Native have restless legs it shows weak Saturn and it affect parents of native. So, Native should not move his/her legs.
But the deeper meaning here is that it shows native has some imbalance in working of putamen which will be due either of the parents as Brain and body of native is developed through genes transmitted from parents.
When Dasha of Saturn Comes native feels misery, anxiety, pain, fracture loss of career, status, because Dasha of Saturn is cylce of brain in Which Putamen will be predominantly active, which will cause native to become highly anxious and will not be able to respond properly to actions.
One more thing Saturn was quoted by sages in books to Male Eunuch , Researches have shown “Putamen is present in large amount in Transgenders”.
Movement of Saturn through Zodiac affects working of Putamen.
Our sages were trying to teach us that how planetary movements must have have affected the development of Brain of native which will result in him/her being a certain way or behaving and responding to various situation of life.
Which will collectively result in him the leader, servant, poet, teacher in this civil society.
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