Nakshatra of Ashwini it is the first nakshatra among the 27 constellations. Ashwini falls in the sign of Aries from 0-00′ – 13-20′. It is ruled by Ketu and denoted by horseman.

Opposition, Pressure, Safety, Movement are predominant feature of Ashwini nakshatra.
=> Ashwini nakshatra natives eats very less.
=>Any planet in Nakshatra relative signified by that planet will have a habit of eating less.
Any planet that goes in Ashwini nakshatra person has to leave behind the significance of the planet.
Example :- 3rd Lord in Ashwini native have leave behind their siblings or stop expecting from them.
7th Lord in Ashwini if you want to be happy don't expect anything from your spouse.
=>You will face multiple restrictions related to significance of planet in Ashwini nakshatra.
Venus in Ashwini native will find it hard to get in unions/partnerships.
Mercury in Ashwini native will have breathing issue and one of the siblings or paternal aunt will lead life in servitude/restrictions.
Saturn in Ashwini will face multiple problem in choosing a profession/getting job will face multiple failure.
8th Lord in Ashwini digestive issues/piles.
3rd Lord in Ashwini communication issues or writing issues.
Any planet in Ashwini in that planets dasha you fill face multiple restrictions.
=> Ashwini nakshatra pada 2 , 3,4 gives native leadership or high position.
=> Ashwini Nakshatra is nakshatra of new beginning.
In dasha of planet associated native try to start new thing


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