10th from Saturn

 Saturn represents discipline, Authority and Struggle.

Saturn's nature is Vata.
Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and Aquarius.
Capricorn is the natural 10th house. So, the position of Saturn in chart irrespective of who is the 10th lord, will signify regarding the Profession of person.
Aquarius is the natural 11th house. That's why Saturn also signfiy the Gains , relationship with elder sibling, Honours.
Many times it seen when Saturn is debilitated or in bad position the native complains - “He/She doesn't gain as much they deserve”.
Saturn also tells about the relationship with elder sibling .
Till now you may have understood the importance of Lord Saturn.
* Gains.
* Career.
* Working dedication.
* Patience
* Fulfillment of desires.
* Maturity.
* Authority.
* Longevity
All of the above are dependent on lord Saturn's position.
One technique for you* - Wherever Saturn is in your birth it will always give excellent result in 10th from it.
Few examples:-
• Bill gates has Exalted Saturn in 5th house. 10th from it is 2nd house. 2nd house is the house of wealth.
• Amitabh Bachchan has Saturn in 4th house 10th from it is 1st house. 1st house is the house of personality and fame


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