Sleep and Astrology
"They say if you dream something more than once, it's sure to come true”
But, that you need to have a good sleep.
Let's see how we look at sleep from astrological point of view.
12th house represents sleep , Pisces is the natural 12th house it is ruled by Jupiter .
12th house and Jupiter will decide what kind of sleep you will have.
• When 12th house is aspected or occupied by Mars, Saturn and Rahu. The person have issues in sleeping.
• A debilitated planet aspecting 12th house gives bad sleep.
• Dash of 5th lord causes issues in sleep.
• When 12th house is occupied by benifics or occupied by benefice the person gets a good sleep.
• 12th lord also help in determining quality of sleep. Connected to Jupiter , Venus, Moon gives good sleep.
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