How Zodiac sign influence Nature of planet

Rahu rules the sign of Aquarius the natural 11th house of Gains.

6th ,8th,12th sign causes problem to that sign.

# 6th from Aquarius is Cancer.

The sign of emotion being overly emotional and caring causes Rahu to Bad.

# 8th from Aquarius is Virgo.

Virgo is the sign of service. If you become overly service oriented and excessively Hardworking then Rahu is going to go Bad.

# 12th from Aquarius is Capricorn .

The sign of discipline, society and Rules.

If you care too much about what society will say? Or open the rule book of life at every event than Rahu is going to bad.

See, Rahu is the cunningness, cleverness, obession, excitement you need have these things in balanced way in your mind. Only then Rahu is going to give good results.

And How's that is going to happen.

Rahu is exalted in 5th house from it in Gemini. So, you need educate yourself about various aspect of life only then Rahu will perform good.

(Wolf of the wall Street is best example of Exalted Rahu) 


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