King maker Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu holds Great Importance in Astrology. They are considered as link between desires and Expertise, Past life and This Life, Attained Goals and Lessons to be learned.

Rahu is the North node of the Moon and it is said to behave like Saturn. Rahu co-rules the sign of Aquarius.

Ketu is South node of the Moon and it is said to behave like Mars. Ketu co-rules the sign of Scorpio.

Rahu and Ketu are used in multiple ways while analysing the chart of Native.

One such an amazing concept is “ If Dispositor of Rahu and Ketu are Exalted or in Good dignity this gives a special strength to the Chart of Native”

  • Mahatma Gandhi

In Birth chart of Mahatma Gandhi Dispositor of Rahu is Moon.

Moon is placed in own Sign in 10th house.

• Abraham Lincoln

In Birth chart of Abraham Lincoln, Dispositor of Rahu is Venus.

Venus is placed exalted in sign of Pisces. 

  • Queen Elizabeth 1

In Birth chart of Queen Elizabeth 1 , Dispositor of Rahu is Sun.

Sun is Conjunct exalted Mercury. Sun is participating in Aspect exchange with Jupiter (Parivartan yog) . Giving Sun a special strength.

• Emperor Akbar

In Birth Chart of The Great Akbar, Dispositor of Rahu is Saturn.

Saturn is placed exalted in Libra conjunct Dispositor of Ketu which is Sun. (This is a special yoga it self when dispositor of Rahu and Ketu are connected to each other) 

• Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

In Birth chart of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Dispositor of Rahu is Venus.

Venus is exalted and Rahu is Conjunct exalted Moon.

Leaders of Modern World

• Vladimir Putin

In Birth chart of Vladimir Putin Dispositor of Rahu is Saturn and Ketu Is Moon.

Saturn is Conjunct exalted Mercury and Moon is exalted placed in sign of Taurus.

• Narendra Modi

In Birth chart of Narendra Modi, Dispositor of Ketu is Mercury.

Mercury is exalted placed in sign of Virgo.

• M . Karunanidhi

(Longest serving Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu)

In his Birth chart Dispositor of Rahu is Sun and Dispositor of Ketu is Saturn.

Saturn is placed exalted in the sign of Libra and Sun is conjunct exalted Moon.

• Prakash Singh Badal

(Longest serving Chief Minister of Punjab)

In Birth of Prakash Singh Badal Dispositor of Rahu is Venus and Ketu is Mars.

Venus is placed in Own sign of Libra and Mars is also placed in own sign of Scorpio. 

This how Dispositors of Rahu and Ketu can Give a special strength to the chart. Though you need to have other Dhan and Raj Yogas to Reach the places which the above individuals Reached. But having Dispositor of Rahu and Ketu Strong and in good position is always a Blessing. 

Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaay NamahπŸ™


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