
Showing posts from March, 2022

Techniques that you are unaware of

Namaste,  There are many technique flowing all around the internet and books, most of them are similar to each other in some way or the other today I am going to share with you few techniques that are unique as well as highly useeful.  Why waste time, Let's start: 1. 9th aspect of Jupiter gives results of prosperity and Wealth.  In transit whenever Jupiter gives 9th aspect to Indu lagna or Nakshtra Lord of Indu lagna then native will gain wealth.  👉🏻 Pablo Escobar :  When Jupiter transited through Taurus and Aspected Capricorn sign (Indu lagna) with 9th aspect pablo started making huge amount of money.  👉🏻 Anglina jolie :  When Jupiter transited through Libra and Aspected Gemini (Indu lagna)  she started making through movies.  2. Dasha of 11th Lord or age signifed by 11 th house Zodiac sign from any house gives results of that house signification or yogas in that house :  👉🏻Bill Gates :  Venus natural ...

Sun In Astrology

Sun is one of the most important planets in Astrology Sun is our soul, Sun is the Natural Signficator of Father, Government and Authority.  Sun is Kshatriya by caste and cruel by Nature.  Sun signfiy East direction. Sun stays in one Zodiac sign for Approximately 1 month.  Sun and Moon never get Retrograde the rather gain or lose speed.  Features of Strong Sun in chart of Native is broad shoulder and big forehead.  Sun rules the Nakshtra of Krittika, Uttarphalguni and Uttarashada.  Sun gains Digbala in 10th house. Sun have kalabala during Day.  Sun is the karaka of 1st house, 9th house and 10th house.  Sun signify Copper in metal. Ruby in Gems.  The Sun is worshipped in the Upanishads as the creator of day and night, the giver of light, heat and fertility as he also gives child progency. The Suryopanishad and many other scriptures states that worshipper of the Sun will become intelligent, powerful, successful and enjoys a long life. As per Kaa...

King maker Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu holds Great Importance in Astrology. They are considered as link between desires and Expertise, Past life and This Life, Attained Goals and Lessons to be learned. Rahu is the North node of the Moon and it is said to behave like Saturn. Rahu co-rules the sign of Aquarius. Ketu is South node of the Moon and it is said to behave like Mars. Ketu co-rules the sign of Scorpio. Rahu and Ketu are used in multiple ways while analysing the chart of Native. One such an amazing concept is  “ If Dispositor of Rahu and Ketu are Exalted or in Good dignity this gives a special strength to the Chart of Native” Mahatma Gandhi In Birth chart of Mahatma Gandhi Dispositor of Rahu is Moon. Moon is placed in own Sign in 10th house. •  Abraham Lincoln In Birth chart of Abraham Lincoln, Dispositor of Rahu is Venus. Venus is placed exalted in sign of Pisces.  Queen Elizabeth 1 In Birth chart of Queen Elizabeth 1 , Dispositor of Rahu is Sun. Sun is Conjunct exalted Mercury. Sun is par...