
Showing posts from June, 2022

8th house and Silence

  8th house : House of death, longetivity, others resources, sharing, exchanging and transformation of energy, inheritance, taxes, surgery, death. The best remedy is to observe silence or be alone in your personal space without sharing anything with anyone be it thoughts, words, energy, body or resources. This must be done on the day of the lord of your 8th house or lord of A8(arudha pada of your 8th house) If 8H/A8 is Mars, keep a speech fast on Tuesday. It's true that in silence we can hear the soul speak. 8th house is the house of longetivity, opposite to the 2nd house of speech and breath. Our life is not measured in the years we live but the breaths we take. When we speak, we breathe faster but our silence can control our thoughts in a meditative mood by calming our mind and regulating our breath. So,abstain from speaking, chatting/communicating, losing your breathe, rigorous gym workout, using shared resources, others money/ clothes, engaging in exchange of energy via sex, s...